Firstly, to address the issue of an additional blog involving Jacob and this deployment... I have made a poll! Go take it! Your votes will determine whether or not there will be a new blog. I truly want to know if you will read so let me know. If there isn't any interest in it, then there is really no point.
Now on to the poem for today. This one is another product of my brilliant word document. I've had the first two lines in there for a couple of days. I had debated on what direction to go with it for a few days and then decided to just start writing and see where it went. This is where it went and I am really rather pleased. It is a miracle it didn't come out with a more political or social statement attached to it. I was listening to Rage Against the Machine while I wrote this. See? I can't believe it doesn't sound even a little angry. My poetry is usually heavily influenced by what I listen to and what I listen to can be rather varied. I like this poem more than most of my recent ones. Despite the musical influence it came out rather determined and that is exactly how I've felt today. It takes a certain amount of determination to get through a deployment and I have to find mine fairly quickly or I'm afraid I'll be swallowed whole by the loneliness and sadness of it all. This is my determination to cope and move forward laid out for you. Sure there is a sad undertone to it, but what do you expect? The sad will come and go and you will get happy from me from time to time despite all that is going on. Just give me some time! Hope you like it!
Just as Strong
If two are twice as strong,
If a couple are twice as tall,
Then what am I all alone?
Half as strong? Half as tall?
No, I am just as strong.
I am still just as tall.
I am only physically alone.
We are still two. A couple; alone.
Yes, I am lonely.
I sleep without my lover.
I sleep beside my phone.
The warmth of my bed gone.
I will be perfectly fine.
Just wanted you to know.
So what if I cried today or yesterday?
I will be perfectly okay.
I am just as strong as I ever was.
He is worth every sacrifice made.
We are worth every second away.
He’ll come back someday.
No time, no distance can stop our love.
The bombs, the bullets, the enemy may try.
My prayers my lover will hide.
God, my husband shelters to His side.
Beautiful! It does sound very determined. I greatly admire your strength, and I look forward to reading your blog through your highs and lows in the coming year.
Thank you so much Mandi! I'm glad you liked it and I hope to give you more highs than lows throughout the next year. (more of my determination)
Happy Birthday lovely!!! Enjoy your day at the spa and being child free.
Thanks Vickie! I certainly will!
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