A potent truth

A potent truth

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The judgement seat.

For the past few days I have been contemplating the nature of man and his tendancy to judge those around him. This, of course, is no new thing, but it never ceases to amaze me. Not only that, but we judge and then find every one wanting in some way. People are just that, people. We are full of flaws, which really should make a person stop the judgement and take a look at themselves. We rarely do though. I am not trying to point fingers because I too am guilty of looking at others and thinking myself in some way superior. You would be hard pressed to find someone who hasn't put themselves in the judgement seat. So I found this poem that I wrote several years ago, well almost five years ago actually. (There is a date on it!) I read it and thought it oddly appropriate for my state of mind. Funny that I ran across it just a couple of days ago in a book in my bookcase. That is the way God works though. He brings things to your attention and then continues to reinforce that until he is finished dealing with you on that subject. I hope it speaks to you as it has spoken to me. Then again it is mine so one would think it should always speak to me!

The Forgiven

Here we are
Casting stones
When we should be
Collecting souls.
Are we the sinless lambs?
We are the forgiven
Clensed by The Spotless Lamb.

Foolish children
We live to love
And glorify Him aove.
With His love
Who are we to accuse
When we ourselves are prostitutes.
Or if not then scribes and Pharisees.
Counterproductive to Jesus' will.
He sees us and loves us still.
We are the forgiven
Clensed by The Spotless Lamb.


April said...

Very cool how you happened upon that poem! It's a good one, so true!

Constance said...

Yeah I thought it was pretty cool too. It is a weird feeling though. Thanks!

Jess said...

Very very true. It is funny how God brings things to our attention when they are needed.

Mandi said...

I don't want to sound self-righteous by bragging about how nonjudgmental I am, but I have come a long, long way in the last few years in seeing people as people. They are damaged, sinful, and ignorant, and I am right there among them.
Good poem!

Constance said...

Yeah I like to think I have grown a great deal over the years and have moved on from the self-riteous judgement of others. I catch myself doing it though and have to stop myself. Its great to be able to grow that way!
I'm glad you all like the poem though! Thanks!!!