A rainy day has inspired me to write today. It was so dreary most of the day and then on my way home I watched the sun set and it was gorgeous! Funny that at the close of a grey and soggy day I should witness something so beautiful and full of color and light. So I came home and wrote. It isn't exactly what I was going for, once again, but I am posting it anyway. I am just no good with putting that kind of beauty into words. I am night person and I have better words for describing that than the sun and colors and blazing sunsets. I hate it, but its the truth. I always wanted to describe a sunny day eloquently and someday I intend to do so. Until then you will all have to make do with my paltry attempts. Enjoy!
Water into Fire
Songs sound out monotone.
Colors all out in monochrome.
The heavy clouds move across the sky
The rain falls before my eyes.
What a weary day.
The sun shines about the clouds.
The birds dare to sing aloud.
Color floods a drab world.
Light catches water as it whirls,
Into the ground.
A blazing sun meeting ground,
Glorious light again abounds.
Setting the dusky sky ablaze,
The last of the day to raze.
Daylight dies away.
Well I think you did a pretty good job with a daytime poem. :-)
Thanks Mandi! Looking back over it I like it a little better everytime. It's hard not to be critical of my own work. lol!
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